Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun stuff going on...

It has been forever since I have posted anything here, so here is a quick catch up. I felt so blessed to have so many great family members come to my aid while I was healing after surgery. Mom would come and go, Dad came to help for a little while, and my Max's mom, Adele came all the way from Denver when I was starting back to work! What a blessing! I started back to work in Seguin for another year of teaching English, and Ella went back to daycare, which she loves. She can even say "school" and says it as soon as we turn on to that street. She is amazing. Her vocabulary is growing every day. She says Mommy, Daddy, Nanny, Dadoo, Chi-Chi, Uncle Kyle (sounds like Kycle), shoe, banana, milk, juice, bath, stairs, ball, baby, car, bird, just to name a few. She is soon to be 18 months old and I cannot believe it! We just can't imagine our lives without her.

In the last few months, we have taken her to a UT game, she and I (along with Mom) drove to Ft.Worth to vistit Nanny Muleshoe, and were also able to meet up with one of my best friends, Mark. Just this past weekend, I took her to the coast to visit my Mema and Papa. They were thrilled when Ella ran to the ocean and waded in, laughing as she went (pics and vids to follow). What a joy it is to have such a wonderful, loving family.

Ella in my classroom, checking out my textbook.

Ella with Mark in Ft. Worth

Sweet little UT fan!

Precious girl at a city park in Bastrop, TX.

Ella and Max cheering on the Longhorns!


  1. She looks so cute. I haven't seen Mark in forever!

  2. She is so adorable Amanda! Glad you got to meet up with Mark. We sure did miss getting to see you at the lake. Hope you are better. You should still try to go over. Lynsie and Dustin will be there for the next month or so. They would love to see you.
