Sunday, April 12, 2009

The past week has been pretty great, but Easter Sunday has been lazy and boring. No bunny ears, family, or chocolate. That is okay, though. Ella loves being outside watching Gus play in the yard. She is growing so fast-I can't even believe it. Yesterday we met some friends at the San Antonio Zoo and saw some fish and birds (and other things she does not quite care about yet). When we were at the hippo tank, some ducks landed on the water and I said "look at those ducks." She repeated after me, "duh, duh, duh." She is so smart!!!

Ella enjoys being in the backyard watching Gus chase his ball.

I think there was a bird flying over head.

This is her sign to get the camera out of her face.

Too cute.

Learning how to use her spoon.

1 comment:

  1. She looks more and more like her mommy everyday! What a cutie! Glad you are is addictive and a good outlet! I'm sure you recognize many of Miss Cambell's outfits...Ella was one well dressed little girl! Thanks again!
