Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lucky Dog

Going to get the mail

Feeding Gus

Friends with food are the best friends to have.

He loves this part of the day.

Right here I am thinking, "Was that just in Gus's mouth?"

This weekend we have all been home and finally able to spend some quality time together. We are getting ready for Summer and I have decided to teach Summer school for the first time. I am actually excited about it! I, for one, am ready to do some serious purging and am thinking about having my Spring garage sale (I wasn't able to last year for obvious reasons). Tomorrow, Ella will be 11 months old. We cannot believe how fast she is growing. Her vocabulary is growing and she talks all of the time. We are not sure who she is talking to or what she is saying, but she really does get into it. In the past few weeks she has become better at eating table foods and enjoys feeding that food to Gus. She laughs and laughs! I think he is finally accepting of her presence in our household!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog world! So glad you are joining us. I love to get to keep up with friends and babies through blogs. Look forward to hearing all about Miss Ella. Can't believe how big she is getting. 1 will be here before you know it.
