Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

My first official Mother's Day was great. We actually did not do anything particularly special, but that is what I wanted. I did have some great breakfast tacos for breakfast and a special treat later in the day-a blended Coke float from Sonic!! I also received a sweet little pink Moore Maker pocket knife-exactly what I wanted. The big event of the day was getting Ella into the pool for the first time. We were super excited because her swimsuit is so cute! She did not like the pool at first, but when I got in with her, and helped her get used to the cold water-along with some serious splashing-she had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day Amanda! Sounds like you had a good one. Love Ella's swimming suit, so adorable. Glad you had a great day.
