Friday, July 24, 2009

Surgery Sucks

On Monday, I went to the hospital to have Alfredo removed. Alfredo (lovingly named after a student I could not stand) was a large fibroid on the outside of my uterus. I was told it would be a laproscopic outpatient surgery. Well, Alfredo was bigger than expected, in a bad position, and he was not alone. I ended up having to be cut open and three fibroids were removed. It sounds terrible, but I was in quite a bit of pain, I was bitchy, tired and hungry all of the time because of them. It is going to be so much better without them in there.
However, now my recovery time has gone from what would have been 1-2 weeks to 6-8 weeks. This means I cannot play with or hold or carry Ella for quite some time. It wasn't so bad at first. Now, she is wanting me to pick her up and I can't-and that leaves us both crying. It is so much worse than I thought it would be. I can handle the physical pain, but not the emotional. That being said, I am so lucky to have my mom here with me. Ella is getting super spoiled and so am I!! Mom had the Merry Maids come to clean the house yesterday and they will be back for the next 4 Thursdays!! I also know that I have some great friends willing to help if necessary and my favorite mother-in-law doing what she can to get here to help out.
I am continuously overwhelmed at how many people have sent well wishes, flowers, and cards! I am so lucky and I am grateful for everything everyone has done for me and my family during this time. I wanted to share my lovely flowers with everyone! Enjoy, and thank you all again for everything.

From Skiles Farms

From The Wimmers and The Peragines

From The Cranes, Wilsons, Dales, and Aunt Janie

From Kyle and Christi

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