Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pajama time, oooh yes, it's pajama time...

Yesterday was payday! HOORAY!!! That gave me a chance to go to San Marcos and visit that outlets. Ella has finally run out of all her gifted clothes. All of the wonderful clothes we received at baby showers are all now too small. I am sad about it because I loved them all so much! The good thing is that running out of clothes means we need new ones, and it is time to shop, which I hate with a passion...JUST KIDDING!! The Carter's outlet is great. I was able to buy Ella some much needed PJs and they were all on sale. The more I watch her, the more I think she is going to be a girly girl. She likes to sit in my lap while I put on make-up, she loves wearing dresses, and she really likes jewelry (although, I think that last one really applies to all babies). So when I saw these pajamas, I had to buy them for her.

My little ballerina princess

She likes to touch the lens.

Notice her drinking milk from a sippy cup! NO MORE BOTTLES!!!!!!
She is getting to be such a big girl. We do not use formula or bottles anymore. She is eating at the table with us, not always what I'd like her to be eating-- she is super picky, but feeding herself none-the-less.


  1. Adorable pj's! She is such a cutie pie and is growing up so fast. Hope your enjoying your time at home with her this summer.

  2. Cute PJ's! I was always sad too when Abbye would out grow her little baby clothes but shopping for Abbye is way more fun then shopping for myself!
