Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm not going to lie, my neighborhood is a little scary. However, it seems that on Halloween the gangsters and drug dealers let go of their wild ways and take their kids out for free candy. We had so much fun passing out candy-Ella really had fun dropping candy into other trick-or-treaters' bags. In fact, she would drop a few pieces into a bag and then chase the princess or ghoul or monster down to give away a few more pieces! Sometimes she even got as far as the end of the driveway trying to give out more candy!
This was also our first foray into going house to house, begging for candy. I have not always been a huge trick-or-treat fan, until we lived in Pleasanton, that is. Apparently, when we lived in Pleasanton, we lived on the most trick-or-treated street in all of history-seriously 20 bags of candy. But even in our neighborhood now, we had a good time. Ella definitely had a great time and got so many compliments on her skelleton costume (lovingly made by hand by ChiChi-Adele Wimmer, and previously worn by Cousin Annie). By the end of the night, all the candy was gone and Ella was exhausted. We tried to keep her up for an extra hour for the time change, but we weren't able to do that. We had a great time and we can't wait for next Halloween. MUAHAHAHA! (that is my evil laugh!)

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