Friday, September 3, 2010

We are still here!!

I know it has been 10 months since my last post, which was Halloween! I feel like such a slacker. Here are some updates. I am still teaching in Seguin, Max is still working for the seed company. Ella turned two in May, which I can't even believe. We found out that Max's sister, Chrissy, has breast cancer...which was a complete punch in the gut for all of us. She is so strong and is taking it all like a freaking champ! She has her last round of chemo soon and will undergo some surgery and radiation in Houston beginning next month. I made a huge decision in the path of my life and actually had Lap-Band surgery yesterday. Since I started the whole process (pre-op diet) I have lost about 18 pounds, which is both exhilarating and encouraging. I know I will do well with this because I have to. I have to be around and healthy for my family. So there you go...a Wimmer Family update. Here are some select pics of the last 10 months.

Max and Ella at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi

Ella and her pal Reagan feeding Gus.

That bow only lasted a few minutes, but it sure was cute.

Race for the Cure, San Antonio

Ella's birthday party (notice the photos are not in chronological order, they are backwards!)


  1. Yea welcome back to blogging, good to see a few new pictures. Sounds like things have been busy and crazy. Very exciting about you and your surgery. Hope it went well and will be praying it all goes great for you! Miss you guys!

  2. Glad you blogged again and glad Reagan made it on the blog! Hope you are feeling well. Love yall!
