Friday, June 12, 2009

Yay for ChiChi!!!

Last Tuesday, ChiChi (Max's mom, Adele) flew down from Denver to hang with us Texans for a bit. We had so much fun! Unfortunately, I was still in school and since Max has a newer job, he didn't feel he could ask for time off, so we didn't really get to see her much. We did make a trip to Sea World, we three girls spent some time downtown at the Market, and had a nice time here at the house. It is always hard to see Adele leave because she and Joe and Chrissy, Jay, Annie and Thomas live so far away. We feel like we never get to see them, so when we do have the opportunity to spend time with them, we enjoy it to the fullest.
Ella is a Sea World princess. She loves the Dolphins and the aquarium tanks, but she also took in her first show there. The sea lion show is the best-I think it is better than Shamu, because the Shamu show is so cheesy and emotional. The sea lion show is fun and upbeat. I don't think she really "got" it, but we like it.

Ahhh. Discovery.

Ella loves when the fish swim really fast by her face.

At the dolphin tank.

"What is this, ChiChi?"

What a little cutie!


  1. How fun! Glad she got to come and visit! So jealous that y'all live that close to Sea World, we are going to have to come go with you some time. I know Brayden would love it. He talks about ish (fish) all the time.
